Wednesday 12 October 2011

Frequently Asked Questions

1.     What is the objective/scope of the workshop?
a.     To promote knowledge of basic writing skills,
b.     to provide participants with a template to develop and hone their creative interests, and
c.      to ensure that participants understand the basics of writing in each offered module.

2.     Why is this training online?
Papered Glory and Image Genius Creations  recognize the fact that more people can be reached on an online platform,  who are not necessarily restricted to Lagos where the two firms are based. Again, ease is another factor that was considered. With this model, facilitators and participants can engage without physical contact, thereby cutting transportation and other logistical costs.

3.     How is the workshop structured?
The workshop is structured as 3 batches (Batch 1, 2 and 3) for sake of convenience, and so that the facilitators can attend personally to the participants. Each batch will have 6 sessions in all, 2 sessions per day. This means that there will be 3 workshop days for each batch.

4.     What are the areas to be covered?
The workshop has been divided into 6 modules (each module will be treated in a session). These are
a.     Book Writing 1 (Christian and Motivational books)
b.     Book Writing 2 (Business and Technical books)

c.      Speech writing
d.     Fiction
e.     Writing on the blogosphere
f.       Proposal writing

5.     How will the workshop be conducted?
-         There will be live discussions on the Facebook group. The facilitator will post Discussion Points (5 in all) within the timeframe, which participants will be expected to respond to, asking questions and raising points that show their understanding of the Discussion Points.
-         An e-workbook will be sent by email to participants as soon as they register for the workshop. The e-workbook will contain a structured study of all the modules, as well as discussion points and assessment questions.
-         A Q & A session will be ongoing throughout the period of the workshop. Participants are expected to post challenges they face in their writing. It is advised that all participants take up a writing project based on any or all of the modules at the commencement of the workshop. It is hoped that questions will come from the deadlocks experienced during the realization of the projects.
-         There will be a special session, on the last day of each workshop, with a publisher who will share his insights on what he looks for in a manuscript, and his publishing strategies.
-         Questions from the e-workbook will be posed intermittently on the group page, and participants will be expected to respond.

6.     How will participants register for the workshop?
-         Visit our blog for the FAQs, and make a decision to participate!
-         If interested, send an SMS to 08051427920 or an email to [YUN1]  with the following information: [a] Your Facebook profile name; [b] your email address; [c] your phone number; [d] desired batch no; [e] details of payment (if you are paying via a card, enter the PIN. If through the bank, enter your teller no.)
-         You will get an email/SMS confirming receipt
-         The e-workbook and an information booklet will be sent to your email box within 6 hours.
-         Within this timeframe, you will also receive a friend request from Illa Amudi (Workshop Coordinator), and after you accept, you’ll be invited to the closed group (Beyond Covers Online Workshop) on Facebook
-         Other necessary information can be obtained from the information booklet

7.     When should I register?
Register for each batch you’re interested in at least a day before it is due to commence. That is,
-         Batch 1 – on or before 17th October
-         Batch 2 – on or before 20th October
-         Batch 3 – on or before 24th October

8.     What is the payment model?
You can register by paying directly to one of the facilitator's bank account. See for details.

9.     Why are Recharge Cards an option?
This was the first option we played with. But considering the intricacies involved, we decided it was not worth it.

10.                        What is the time for the live sessions?
Session 1: 10am – 1pm
Session 2: 4pm – 7pm

11.                         What happens if I miss the live sessions?
-         Check the group for a summary (collected into a document)
-         Visit the blog for the summary

12.                         Is there a post-workshop process?
Yes. 10 Participants will be offered free editing services by Papered Glory for a work in progress. They would be selected by the facilitator based on responses to the assessment questions.

13.                         What about the facilitators?
Papered Glory and Image Genius Creations facilitators are world class professionals in their fields who are also passionate about imparting the sound principles of writing in those who have equal passion for learning to write and write well.

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